Back to the screaming...
See, you scream. Did I mention that you scream? You do-A LOT. Around four weeks ago we went to the doctor to find out why you screamed and she told us you had reflux. We started adding rice cereal to your bottles and that seemed to help. It seemed to help you scream only half the day instead of the whole. Awesome. Your father and I immediately returned to the pediatrician to get half of our money back. She then told us that having the reflux under control finally allowed us to see you also had colic. I was pretty surprised by this news as I hadn't been informed there was an eight level of hell. Turns out there is...and it starts in my house around 5pm.
But, Dr. V had the magical fix for what ailed you..."Colic Drops". Your father and I have been kissing the bottle of "Colic Drops" every day, fifty times a day, for the past two weeks. I had no idea what was in the teeny tiny little bottle but we begin calling it "The Elixir of Magic Fairy Dust". It seemed to be a cousin of the Magic Fairy Dust your Nana keeps at her house that lets you sleep, not scream, and come home with your hair perfectly combed every time you stay over there. Thirty minutes after having some "Colic Drops" you would stop screaming, start smiling, giggle, coo, blow bubbles and just in general be the most pleasant acting baby I've ever seen. I finally read the bottle tonight and realized the magic "Colic Drops" were five percent alcohol. Seems all those dreamy smiles you've been giving me after being "dosed" the past few weeks were because you were totally stoned. Your father and I keep waiting for you to wake up from this colic drops-induced nap and ask for a big glass of sweet tea, some ibuprofen, and a Whataburger. Lord knows your father and I have needed that trifecta a time or too.
This week I went back to work and enjoyed it a really lot more than I thought I would. Admittedly, I was completely torn. But the fact that your GiGi is keeping you during the day means that after your father drops you off in the morning I don't have to worry about you one lick at all while I'm working. I can never repay her for this favor and I'm not sure she understands what load she removes off my mind every morning when she takes you in her arms and proceeds to keep a "log" of your activities all day long. Yes, even your poops. She even writes down what color they are and whether or not you had to "strain" to take them. Don't know what that means? Well, honey, when you have to "strain" you make your "poo face". Don't know what your "poo face" is? This is your "poo face":

You have a poo face, a "wakey-up" face, a smiley face, a screaming face. Hell, its like you became a real live baby in the past few weeks. That's a good thing as that's what the doctor told us was going to happen just eleven short months ago when we started this party.
Sometimes I look at you-even when you are mad as hell-and I am totally amazed that I made you, you magnificent, angry, wailing beast.

Congrats on your beautiful daughter and welcome to the ranks of motherhood! I joined almost a year ago myself and it's been a very entertaining experience. BTW - At the risk of sounding like a stalker - I knew you all the way back from your diaryland days. (I was known as imaphatpig and was friends with Nikki.)
ReplyDeleteHoly Shit! I remember you. Degree in psychology...worked someplace that started with a K? Lived in the North East? Do you still talk to Nikki? How is she doing?
ReplyDeleteI absolutely didn't realize that you replied to my comment. Sorry for the delay in my own reply.
ReplyDeleteYeah, that's me! I no longer work there and have finally found my way to what I'm really supposed to be doing - teaching high school art in all forms and wonderment. I'm living right outside of DC now (as opposed to Charm City) with my husband and I've had the great joy of talking to Nikki only a few times this year. I hope (as always) she's doing well but email is our own correspondence these days and it's seemingly hard for the both of us to connect even that way. She's in TX and (I think) living with a significant other (not "X" if you remember). She's had a tumultuous last few years but I believe that she's working very hard to get herself beyond them. I don't know if she's still blogging but it's completely possible that she's doing so anonymously.