Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Actual Conversation Just Held In My House

Me: (casually) "Did you know there is a Lego in the guest bathroom sink?"

The Man: "DON'T TOUCH IT!!!!!"

Me: "Um, why? Because I haven't, er, um, or anything."

The Man: "Because she dropped it in the toilet."

And then I just walked away from that one. There's really no way to explain to "The Internets" in a way that makes sense (and doesn't make them think DHS needs to be called) that your husband holds your kid while he pees simply because the stream of pee hitting the toilet makes her giggle. Although I will admit he asked the other day at what point "that needs to stop". Um, like TODAY WHEN SHE DROPPED AN EFFIN' LEGO IN THE TOILET THAT I TOUCHED. ER, THAT I DID NOT TOUCH.

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